Veg-Voyage PART 1

On July 18th, 2015 at 8:20pm I said goodbye for the first time ever to one of my greatest friends: my mum.

At the age of 16 I was clasping on to a ticket, which in actual fact, meant so much more than a piece of printed paper. I had just finished secondary school a few weeks before and already it felt like I was in the ‘real world’ adults try and foreshadow for you. Yes, maybe I should have listened a bit more to that. But there I was, all alone in an airport making my way back to a place so familiar yet so unknown.

At the age of 10 (nearing my 11th birthday) I left my birth country of Australia to move to England with my mum. At the age of 16 I was returning for the first time ever in 5 and a half years to see the other half of my family and friends. However, from a child to a teenager, it was daunting to allow myself to understand that not all would be the same. So, for that next 7 hour flight to Dubai, I was just anxious.

So what did I eat? Well, nothing! I was very surprised and appreciative of the fact that I could order myself a ‘raw food’ palate on the plane which included meals that had no dairy, no egg or no meat. Woohoo consideration for different diets are improving, terrific! But the next steps of my journey would not be any better. I get travel sick on aeroplanes so easily. YUCK!


The ‘raw food’ platter consisted of a few slices of cucumber, tomato and onion with a small side of a few lettuce leafs securely packed in a tiny plastic container Along side it was a small tub of cut orange slices and grapes with a tiny packet of four squared salted wheat crackers. What a great ‘meal’!

Starved and sick I had made it to Dubai. The next step was trying to find my way around a huge airport half delusional.  Worryingly my biggest concern was that I was getting hangry (humorous-meaning: One feels irritable as a result of feeling hungry = English Dictionary). I ate a tub of porridge with golden syrup from a pop-up chain coffee cafe which I knew from England, plus a bag of salt and vinegar crisps. Just what I needed.

The next flight was a dreaded 14 hour flight. Yep you guessed it: 2 more ‘raw food’ palates wasted and a whole load of paracetamol. Funnily enough, I was fine! I thank the porridge. During this flight I ate one nakd bar and a pack of vegan chocolate chip oat cookies which I brought over with me.

Arrival: July 20th, 2015. Early Morning at Brisbane Airport

Security, customs, baggage, deceleration… the moment I have been waiting (anxiously waiting) for.  I wish I could write the feeling, but I just cannot find the words. So ill keep it for me to treasure. Lets just say, the next thing I knew I was in the arms of a man I have not seen in over 5 years. My dad.

What next?

PART 2 of my Veg-Voyage coming SOON! 


Tell me what you think of my little Travel series too!

Lots of Love!



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